WWII Vets Felix Bonvouloir (3/17/1919-5/5/2012) & Harvey Bricko with guardian Jeff Zriny on Mission #1, April, 27, 2010

About Us

The Never Forgotten Honor Flight is a Wausau – based organization formed in November of 2009. Our goal is simple: to fly veterans (in our region) who served during World War II, the Korean War or the Vietnam eras to Washington, D.C. to visit the memorials build in their honor. We are an affiliate of the national group Honor Flight Network, which began this activity in 2005, and began flying with commercial charter aircraft in 2006 from Dayton, Ohio. THE ONLY QUALIFICATION FOR A VETERAN TO TAKE AN HONOR FLIGHT TRIP IS TO HAVE SERVED IN THE UNITED STATES MILITARY, IN ANY CAPACITY ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET & RECEIVED AN HONORABLE/ GENERAL DISCHARGE, BEFORE 5/7/1975.

There are now 128 “hubs”, or cities, from which flights originate, in 44 States.  These Honor Flight Hubs have collectively flown 295,787 Veterans SINCE 2005 (As of 12/31/23).

The Never Forgotten Honor Flight Hub has flown (as of 9/23/2024) 4,704 veterans including 104 sets of brothers (included 5 Marohls, 5 Peters & 4 Dobbies & 4 Nests), 13 husband/wives & 67 Women veterans.  1,048 WWII; 1,267 KOREA; 2,389 VIETNAM ERAS and 2,916 Guardians

WWII Veteran, Brad Hoffman (6/24/1926-7/22/2012) in front of the Freedom Wall at the WWII Memorial, Mission #8, May 7, 2012 (The Freedom Wall is on the west side of the WWII Memorial, with a view of the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial behind it. The wall has 4,048 gold stars, each representing 100 Americans who died in the war. In front of the wall lies the message “Here we mark the price of freedom”.

We are supported by private and commercial donors (NO Government funding!). We are also supported by many veterans & Civic organizations, schools, churches, employees of corporations, Foundations & individuals. We have no paid staff. Our volunteers organize the veterans for travel, arrange the travel both to and from Washington, and arrange all transportation, activities and meals in Washington. This is a one day trip; spending most of the time at the World War II, Korean & Vietnam Memorials. We also visit the Lincoln Memorial, Air Force Memorial, Iwo Jima Memorial (Marine Corps War Memorial), Arlington National Cemetery & the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. A city tour is also part of the day viewing Washington D.C.’s prominent buildings & other Memorials. Priority is given to those veterans who served during the World War II era, then the Korea era and lastly the Vietnam era. If a veteran is certified terminally ill by a doctor but able to travel, he or she moves up the priority list no matter what their era of service. Anyone interested in donating can do so here.

Wisconsin Broadcasters Association’s Honor Flight Public Service Announcement


To celebrate America’s veterans by inviting them to share in a day of respect, gratitude and honor at our nation’s memorials.


 A nation where all of America’s veterans experience the respect, gratitude, and honor that they deserve


  1. Respect
  2. Gratitude
  3. Honor
  4. Loyalty
  5. Integrity
  6. Passion
  7. Teamwork
  8. Empathy
  9. Duty
  10. Patriotism
  11. Service
  12. Making a difference

NFHF President’s Newsletter (10/1/2024)