
Never Forgotten Honor Flight would not be successful without the dedicated help provided by the volunteers. Assistance is required from office management and clerical support to airport assistance that aids the veterans both at the beginning and at the end of each trip.
For further information please contact us at 715.573.8519
The Ground Operations Volunteer application is located on the “application” page.
List is current as of 3/31/2024
Last | First |
Ammon | Shelly |
Arnold | Nicholas |
Austin | Mari |
Austin | Ricky |
Baer | Janice |
Bahr | Cheryl |
Balsis | Aemus |
Balsis | Emily |
Barkow | Brian |
Barthel | Curtis |
Baumann | Gail |
Beck - Hafner | Janene |
Beckett | Elizabeth |
Beever | Jeffrey |
Behrens | Bradley |
Bernatz | Dawn |
Berthold | Kathy |
Bertz | Matthew |
Betker | Rita |
Bleck | Chris |
Brummond | Gerald |
Buck | Laurie |
Budnik | Robert |
Budnik | Tammi |
Burgener | Norma |
Caves | Sherry |
Cejka-Rivet | Mary |
Christophersen | Douglas |
Coleman | Vicki |
Cook | William |
Cournaya | Jamie |
Couroyer | Marilyn |
Decker | Carol |
DeYoung | Jennifer |
Duley | Julie |
Erickson | Roxanne |
Esselman | David |
Fischer | Louise |
Fletcher | Louise |
Flora | Alane |
Fluger | Nancy |
Gehl | Marie |
Grall | Kathleen |
Grochmal | Frederick |
Haas | Rhonda |
Handrick | Duane |
Harding | Connie |
Harris | Donald |
Hartman | Julie |
Heckendorf | Dawn |
Heckendorf-Paul | Kristie |
Heibler | Ronald |
Heideman | Connie |
Heil | Richard |
Hinz | Jennifer |
Hoard | Marcia |
Hoffman | Cheryl |
Hofmeister | Debra |
Holewinski | Teresa |
Hoogendyk | Erin |
Howe | Julie |
Howell | Joni |
Humblet | Marta |
Humphrey | Lorraine |
Jarvis | Andrew |
Johnson | Sara |
Johnson | Sheryl |
Juliot | Ann |
Kaiser | Therese |
Kaminski | Debra |
Kaminski Jr | Andrew |
Kettner | Andrew |
Kind | Larry |
Klopatek | Tressa |
Kmiec | Dennis |
Kmiec | Kaye |
Knospe | Cindy |
Knospe | Richard |
Knutson Seboe | Lynn |
Koch | Gary |
Koch | Ruth |
Koehler | Barb |
Konkel | Sue |
Koppa | Roland |
Koski | Sandra |
Kriz | Timothy |
Krug | Patricia |
Kunkel | Susan |
Ladowski | Ruth |
Lang | Kelly |
LaRene | Carol |
Larsen | Sharon |
Lazare | Amara |
Lazare | Tricia |
Lindahl | Gloria |
Long | Debbi |
Lucas | Ann |
Luedke | Barbara |
Luedke | Karl |
Luessenhop | Daniel |
MacDonald | Wayne |
Mallum | Katie |
Mann | Sarah |
Mann | Terry |
Mansur | Kathryn |
Matz | Theresa |
Mayer | Emma |
Mayer | Trisha |
McKenzie | Susan |
Mesenberg | Barbara |
Messerschmidt | Sherri |
Meyer | Benjamin |
Miller | Rachel |
Moberg | Christine |
Moberg | Kenneth |
Modrzejewski | Janet |
Moore | Michael |
Moran | Gary |
Moran | Susan |
Mueller | Janis |
Mueller | Jean |
Murphy | Patrick |
Murphy | Sally |
Myszka | Ronda |
Newville | Danny |
Newville | Nancy |
Oelke | Barbara |
Okerlund | Taylor |
Ollhoff | Jackie |
Olson | Brenna |
Olson | James |
Otto | Marsha |
Patterson | Justin |
Pattison | Tom |
Peterson | Richard |
Pfaff | Lee |
Pinsonneault | Sara |
Piotrowski | Renee |
Plawski | Robert |
Plawski | Wendy |
Plonsky-Koehler | Barbara |
Puerner | Jennifer |
Radke | Julia |
Radke | Rebecca |
Rankin | Hollie |
Rau | Jett |
Reed | Gregory |
Reichert | Jeffrey |
Reiff | Jenny |
Reiff | Martin |
Reinhart | Martin |
Rhowmine | Marion |
Rickstad | Linda |
Roberts | Denise |
Rode | Ava |
Rode | Bob |
Rothmeyer | Rachel |
Salsbury | Jennifer |
Schacht | Stan |
Schindler | Pamela |
Schmidt | Jeffrey |
Schneeberger | Elizabeth |
Senoraske | Elizabeth |
Sherman | Nikki |
Shufelt | Diane |
Simac | Gregory |
Skare | Raymond |
Spiegel | Tina |
Spoerl | Kim |
Spoerl | Timothy |
St. Amour | Michael |
Steder | Margaret |
Sterzinger | Jamie |
Stevens | Mary |
Stevens Sr. | Rick |
Stieber | Connie |
Strack | Robert |
Strasser | Timothy |
Streibig | Krista |
Strek | Chuck |
Strek | Donna |
Suchon | Deborah |
Sullivan | Paulette |
Sullivan | Peggy |
Susens | Kim |
Talg | Lynn |
Tellekson | Betty |
Tessler | Richard |
Thomas | James |
Thompson | Margie |
Traska | Leah |
Trzebiatowski | Dawn |
Trzebiatowski | Kendra |
Trzinski | Travis |
Van Ert | Anne |
Vandenberg | James |
Vanslyke | Maryann |
Ventzke | Mark |
Ventzke | Mary |
Venzke | Philip |
Vetter | Patrick |
Villiard | Elizabeth |
Wallace | Robbin |
Waraksa | Michael |
Wendt | Melissa |
Wendtland | Janice |
Wesolowski | Carol |
Williams | Cole |
Williamson | Jeanne |
Williamson | Thomas |
Winters | Marlene |
Witkowski | Jane |
Wittke | Cynthia |
Witucki | Stacey |
Wold | Cecil |
Woller | Rodney |
Wurz | Jarrod |
Young | Marsha |
Zingler | Kenneth |
Zoromski | Lorraine |
Zuleger | Neal |