Group photo at the Lincoln Memorial 103 Veterans

Flight #30 – October 9, 2017

103 Veterans (2 WWII, 3 Korea & 98 Vietnam era)


WWII 1,024, KOREA 1,108, VIETNAM 617


Click here for Dave Junion’s Photos

“any image you would like just 1) click on the thumbnail 2) a large image will come up. Download that image. 3) play hard…Play happy… Reminder the section page headers are under the title, click on each section to see another series of photos (1,483 photos)  Thanks. Dave”

A 1st – NFHF’s Mission #30 in the brand new Hilton Garden Inn (Ghidorzi Companies-Hotel Group)
A 1st – Chuck Ghidorzi Keynote speaker at the pre-flight banguet
A 1st – 30 custom quilts (Jan Wendtland) on 30 custom stands (Thanks to Al Brace, Mike Fitzgerald & Gary Moran)
A 1st – Pre-Dawn takeoff from CWA, our earliest ever!
A 1st – diverted to another airport because of form of transport
Vietnam Veteran Ron Wage is moved by the girl’s Welcome Home!
A 1st – Almost 2 hours late into CWA…didn’t matter to the welcome home party!!

Thank you letters/notes/emails:

Gerald and Alice Family Trust

James Grall letter to his dad James

James Nehiba

Joan M Carlson Trust Gift

Martin Hannemann

Mary Lou Herman

Randy Geier

Smokey Express Christmas Concert-Amherst

VFW Post 10187 Edgar

Waid Funeral Home

Bety Grant

Bill Elsner

Bob Gauerke

Duane and Maureen Deisinger

Edwin Wichlacz

George Dintelman

USO of Missouri Inc.

Francis Montag

Harry Huntington

VFW Post 3143 Rhinelander

Rodney Rothmeyer

Jim Stippich

Marvin Thomsen

Gary Krause

IUOE Local 420

Trinity Lutheran Church of Birnamwood

Schloesser Family

Erin Gulke

Wausau Coated Products, Inc Donor Advised Fund of CFONCW

Sydney Crawford 12 years old

The Sherry Family Honoring Atwood Sherry on Mission 3

Kim and Lina Kamke honoring George Goldsmith on Mission 21

Lakeland High School Boys Hockey Booster Club

Ida Crofoot in Honor of Ed Crofoot on Mission 22

Hope Lutheran Church in Edgar

Karen Loomis in honor of William Green flew on Stars and Stripes HF

Phillip Ferber in honor of Mel Kuschel on Mission 5

Cindy Wallen in honor of Ronald Lemmer

Wesley United Methodist Church Marshfield

Daniel Hull in honor of Helen and Erwin Jankowiak

The Hulke Family in honor of Roger Hulke (Mission 18)

Brad & Sue Geiss in honor of Charles Dittmar (on the Wait List)

American Legion Post 73 Neillsville

BA & Esther Greenheck Foundation

Shirley Jesse in honor of John Jesse (Mission 7)

Mary Wentzel in honor of John Jesse (Mission 7)

Mary Melrose in honor of Mel Kuschel (Mission 5)

VFW Aux 8527 Athens

Dennis Krings in honor of Harvey Krings (MIssion 9)

Mark and Chris Moravec in honor of Donald Moravec (Mission 19)

Jerome Rankl (Mission 21)


 Jeff Brown at Boyles Resort in Tripoli

Auburndale HIgh School Student Council

Joy Nasi honoring Douglas Despins

Brian and Jane Smith honoring Willard Jerue

Barbara Beck in honor of Willard Jerue

Robin and Alice Gray in honor of George Riedel

Sharon Gwin Honoring Edward Crowfoot (Mission 22)

Mark and Chris Moravec in Honoring Don Moravec (Mission 19)

 Catholic Women’s Club of Wausau

Vietnam EraAdairDennisNewaldAir Force
Vietnam EraAlsteenLarryCrandonArmy
Vietnam EraAndreasJamesRothschildAir Force
Vietnam EraAshbeckGeraldWisconsin RapidsArmy
Vietnam EraAshbeckNorbertMerrillArmy
Vietnam EraBachArdellSpencerArmy
Vietnam EraBaesemanGordonMosineeArmy
Vietnam EraBagleyFloydMerrillMarines
Vietnam EraBerensRogerWausauAir Force
Vietnam EraBoresPaulAuburndaleArmy
Vietnam EraBoushleyGarySchofieldNavy
Vietnam EraBoushleyGeneSchofieldArmy
Vietnam EraBuzzellGregoryMinocquaArmy
Vietnam EraChristnerMichealSpoonerArmy
Vietnam EraClausonDarrylWisconsin RapidsNavy
Vietnam EraDallmanJohnHatleyArmy
Vietnam EraDeatonJamesArgonneArmy
Vietnam EraDeisingerBernardWhite LakeArmy
Vietnam EraDintelmanGeorgeMerrillNavy
Vietnam EraElmerDarylRothschildArmy
Vietnam EraElsnerWilliamStetsonvilleAir Force
Vietnam EraEvertDaleRib MountainNavy
Vietnam EraFaheyMichaelWestonArmy
Vietnam EraFaulknerBruceAthensNavy
KoreaFriessHermanRice LakeArmy
Vietnam EraFritzJerroldWausauArmy
Vietnam EraGauerkeRobertMarshfieldArmy
Vietnam EraGeierRandyWausauArmy
Vietnam EraGelharWallaceWausauArmy
Vietnam EraGrallJohnWausauCoast Guard
Vietnam EraGriffithsStevenOgemaNavy
Vietnam EraHankeGaryWittenbergArmy
Vietnam EraHannemannMartinWausauArmy
Vietnam EraHegyDavidSchofieldAir Force
Vietnam EraHeierFrederickMarshfieldArmy
Vietnam EraHeinrichRobertWausauArmy
Vietnam EraHeizlerJosephPhillipsArmy
Vietnam EraHoffmanDennisWisconsin RapidsMarines
Vietnam EraHrabyAlanMedfordArmy
Vietnam EraHuntingtonHarryWausauArmy
Vietnam EraIwenHowardWausauArmy
Vietnam EraJensenEugeneMedfordArmy
Vietnam EraJensen Sr.DouglasTomahawkArmy
Vietnam EraKalkofenThomasElchoArmy
WW IIKellyJohnAntigoArmy
Vietnam EraKniessThomasKronenwetterNavy
Vietnam EraKrauseGaryWausauArmy
Vietnam EraLangteauDonaldChippewa FallsArmy
Vietnam EraLaytonGeraldWausauNavy
Vietnam EraLeeThomasArbor VitaeAir Force
Vietnam EraLeggettJackieTomahawkAir Force
WW IILegnerVladislovSchofieldArmy
Vietnam EraLenzMiramMosineeArmy
Vietnam EraLuchtDavidSpencerNavy
Vietnam EraMahoneyDanielWisconsin RapidsMarines
Vietnam EraMalmDanielWausauArmy
Vietnam EraMoellerLynnGrantonArmy
Vietnam EraMuellingWilliamMosineeArmy
Vietnam EraNehibaJamesMedfordAir Force
Vietnam EraNelsonAlbertGleasonMarines
Vietnam EraOuradaMichaelMerrillMarines
Vietnam EraPalmerJamesWausauMarines
Vietnam EraPaulRobertWausauArmy
Vietnam EraPeroutkaJamesMarshfieldArmy
Vietnam EraPetersonRichardMosineeAir Force
Vietnam EraPorathThomasMerrillArmy
Vietnam EraRandallCliffPittsvilleArmy
Vietnam EraReynoldsCharlesSchofieldArmy
Vietnam EraRhynerRichardWausauArmy
Vietnam EraRosenauDennisWausauArmy
Vietnam EraRothmeyerLarryWausauArmy
Vietnam EraRothmeyerRodneyWestonArmy
Vietnam EraSchaetzlRichardAthensArmy
Vietnam EraSchloesserMarkJunction CityNavy
Vietnam EraSchloesserThomasWaukeshaNavy
Vietnam EraSchloesser Jr.HaroldStevens PointArmy
Vietnam EraSchmidtRaymondEagle RiverArmy
Vietnam EraSchugDavidAuburndaleArmy
Vietnam EraSheldonJamesCrandonArmy
Vietnam EraSkortzJohnVesperMarines
Vietnam EraStankowski Jr.HubertWausauArmy
Vietnam EraSteinkeDwightMerrillArmy
Vietnam EraStippichJamesButternutArmy
Vietnam EraStrehloAugustineWausauArmy
Vietnam EraSwansonMarshallMosineeNavy
Vietnam EraTeschAlvinTomahawkArmy
Vietnam EraTurkRobertRhinelanderArmy
Vietnam EraTuskowskiArlenHatleyArmy
Vietnam EraUrsoKennethTomahawkAir Force
Vietnam EraUtechtArleighWausauArmy
Vietnam EraVossDaleAmherstArmy
Vietnam EraWachowiakPeterStevens PointArmy
Vietnam EraWageRonaldMerrillArmy
Vietnam EraWhitmanPhillipKronenwetterMarines
Vietnam EraWielochMartinMosineeNavy
Vietnam EraWilliamsLawrenceRice LakeArmy
Vietnam EraWiltseArthurAntigoNavy
Vietnam EraWoyakEverestStevens PointArmy
Vietnam EraZondloJefferyMarshfieldArmy
Vietnam EraZunker Jr.HermanMerrillArmy
Vietnam EraZychowiczJohnTigertonAir Force