Dr. Ryan Gossett after he lost his airplane seat.

Lost & Found

Sometimes we find stuff after the flight and will list it on this page. If you have found or lost something please email info@neverforgottenhonorflight.com or phone us at 715-573-8519 so we can try to help.

Lost items:

Bright Green Sweat Shirt Flight Number:30

Name: Tony Skibba 715.446.6333   Item Lost:   Glasses in a case at ANC Changing of the Guard    Flight Number: 37

Name: Becky Hull 715.401.1722   Item Lost: round case with two SD cards

Flight Number: 42

Found items:

Mission #49 NFHF hat (Wendy Hermening Memorial Flight

Hard cover book, author Alan Gratz –Flight 44

EKHO three step counter – Flight 38

Women’s USMC pendant in Women’s bathroom at CWA 9/17/2018 evening: Flight 33

A ladies black hooded jacket was found on the plane last night. Also found was an umbrella.…navy blue with white polka dots: Flight 33 (OWNER FOUND!)

A wheel chair. CWA thought that someone from Abbotsford was looking for it. Jim’s number is 715-581-5377: Flight 33

Pam Schindler, NFHF Volunteer Coordinator lost her voice!: Flight 33

Tom Moses— Lost his wallet at CWA at Flight 34’s Welcome home celebration 10/15/2018  contact Tom at 715-896-3429

Ring: call 715.573.9496 to describe ring


Guardian Jacket


First Aid Kit